Lawful Intercept and Title III Collection
To the modern criminal, the smartphone might be the most powerful weapon in their arsenal. To Law Enforcement, the same device might be the best way to protect the public.
With SyTech ADACS CALEA lawful intercept, law enforcement agencies are able to monitor, predict, and convict those who would harm the innocent. How? SyTech partners with all major telecommunication providers to deliver real-time voice and data collection to law enforcement lawful intercept. SyTech combines live intercept and pen register capability with cutting-edge data and GPS analytics, delivering electronic surveillance solutions like never before.
To learn more, choose for the ADACS Lawful Intercept capabilities below or contact a SyTech specialist to discuss how ADACS can address the electronic surveillance requirements of your organization.
Live Collection & Pen Register:
Monitor real-time voice, messaging and data with SyTech ADACS4 CALEA Lawful Intercept and Pen Register Systems.
ADACS4 interfaces to all major services providers including Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and more. Upon receiving a probable cause order*, law enforcement agencies are able to receive real-time voice and pen register data from the targets and associates. SyTech reduces the cost and complexity of the lawful intercept by leveraging existing connections with service providers, supplying real-time voice and data to the law enforcement agency.
In conjunction with:
With ADACS Live Collection law enforcement agencies are able to view the targets' location, activity, as well as intercept voice and available data from the court-order target. In the image below, audio playback based on a cell tower location is monitored and shown on the screen with audio playback.

*As defined by the ECPA Title III wiretap statute 18 U.S.C. §§ 2516-2518 et seq. Click for link
Collect and analyze communications from social media platforms and email providers.
ADACS4 enables law enforcement to receive communications through popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. In addition to social media, SyTech is able to collection information from CALEA Lawful Intercept-compliant email providers.
Call Detail Records or CDRs enable law enforcement to analyze the communications history of a target. Sometimes referred to as toll record imports, analysts are able to request CDRs from service providers and upload the content into ADACS. Historical CDRs enable further analysis and associate linking in conjunction with CALEA lawful intercept.

In the image above, a historical record is uploaded with a pre-made CDR template designed for the specific service provider.
Track and analyze targets and associates with E911 data, cell tower pings, and IP data. Combine the SyTech SmartBug and integrated third-party trackers to deliver an all-in-one interface for surveillance and tracking operations.
ADACS GPS and Location Tracking enables law enforcement to view real-time location information from a target's device as supplied from E911, cell tower pings, and IP data. ADACS plots live data as well as historical locations for analytical review. ADACS combines target and friendly tracking to provide an all-in-one tracking interface surveillance and operations.

Unique Features of ADACS Lawful Intercept:
Frame Service: SyTech connects to all service providers, eliminating the high cost and complexity of the law enforcement agency connecting to individual carriers.
20 Years Collection Experience: As technology progresses, the collection system must adapt accordingly. Twenty years ago, SyTech was the first to decode and deliver iDEN to law enforcement collection. In 2014, SyTech was the first to decode and deliver to law enforcement VoLTE collection. As data applications evolve, SyTech continues to work with solution providers to decode and deliver all types of communications regards of format and provider.
Web Client: Take the wire out of the wire room. ADACS Web Client enables agents view real-time information from smartphones and computers from anywhere with an IP connection.
Integrated Tracking Ops: View live tracking of targets and friendlies with multiple sources of location services including e911, cell tower pings, third-party trackers and SyTech’s SmartBug.
Live Look Ups: Integrated third-party databases for live name and address lookups for associate numbers.
User Events: Enables agents to add notes and events directly into ADACS while in the field. Add surveillance notes, photos, and more while linking events within the shared database.